The vision for Bonita farm began more than 50 years ago when Baltimore Sun Racing Editor William Boniface and his wife Mary Louise built a home on a modest 40-acre farm outside of Bel Air, Maryland. In the late 70's and early 80's Bill's son J. William, along with his wife Joan and five children, expanded the horse operation to over 200-acres. Then, in 1983, J. William had two Triple Crown hopefuls in his barn, DEPUTED TESTAMONY and PARFAITEMENT. After Parfaitement came up short in the Derby, it was homebred Deputed Testamony's chance in the Preakness Stakes. In the pouring rain, with the odds stacked heavily against him, D.T., as the family calls him, took home the Woodlawn Vase and cemented his place in history as a champion with heart. Deputed Testamony's success gave the Bonifaces a chance to take their business to the next level. That year, J. William sold the Bel Air property and moved to what is now Bonita Farm, an end-to-end 400-acre horse operation nestled in Darlington, Maryland's beautiful rolling hills. 30 years later, each new generation of Bonifaces has continued the tradition of breeding, boarding, foaling, breaking, and training tomorrow's best Thoroughbreds. On September 18th, 2012 after a long happy life on the farm, D.T. passed away at the ripe old age of 32. He was laid to rest on the property he helped build, his life always remembered as a testament to the endless possibilities for a horse on Bonita Farm. |
Deputed Testamony and jockey Donnie Miller celebrate '83 Preakness victory.
William K. and Kevin Boniface escort Barbara and Bonita Boniface to the Preakness Winner's Circle.
J. William watches horses train at the old Bonita Farm.
Deputed Testamony surging across the wire in the 1983 Preakness.
Bill Boniface, patriarch of Bonita Farm.
Three generations of the Boniface family.
J. William and Joan Boniface on the old Bonita Farm.